Becoming Wiser with Dr. Robert A. Rohm
Becoming Wiser
Unlocking The Power of Your "Want To"

Unlocking The Power of Your "Want To"

In this episode, we explore a simple yet profound shift that has the potential to transform every aspect of our lives: the power of 'want to'. It's a tool we all possess but often overlook. I shared a personal anecdote about my battle with a faulty filing cabinet to illustrate how changing from 'I don't want to' to 'I want to' can lead to solutions and satisfaction. It wasn't about becoming an expert in filing cabinet repair, but about the willingness to tackle the problem with a new mindset. This story serves as a metaphor for life's broader challenges. We often face tasks with dread or reluctance, but by simply altering our approach to 'I want to', we unlock new possibilities. This mindset shift isn't just about mustering the will to do something; it's about opening ourselves to learning and growth. When we apply this attitude to our daily lives, every 'I don't want to' becomes an opportunity to strengthen our 'want to' muscle, leading to personal success and a more fulfilling life.

Show Notes:

  • Dr. Rohm discusses the importance of 'want to' – an attitude that can transform tasks and challenges.

  • Recounts personal story of dealing with a stubborn filing cabinet to illustrate adjusting 'want to'.

  • Emphasizes the shift from a 'don't want to' attitude to a 'do want to' perspective.

  • Highlights the moment of revelation when the problem with the cabinet was identified and fixed.

  • Connects the change in attitude to broader life improvements and problem-solving.

  • Encourages embracing resistance as a way to grow stronger, like weights in a gym.

  • Inspires listeners to change their 'I don't want to' to 'I want to' in daily tasks for a better life.

  • The episode is about self-improvement, wisdom, and the power of a positive mindset.

For more information about this episode, visit

Dr. Robert A. Rohm is a well-known speaker, author, and expert in the fields of communication, leadership, and personality assessment. He is the founder of Personality Insights, Inc., a company that provides resources and training programs to help individuals and organizations improve communication and build positive relationships. Dr. Rohm has authored several books, including "Positive Personality Profiles" and "Taking Flight!: Master the DISC Styles to Transform Your Career, Your Relationships, Your Life". He is also a sought-after speaker and has conducted training sessions and seminars for businesses, schools, and organizations across the world.

Becoming Wiser with Dr. Robert A. Rohm
Becoming Wiser
Becoming Wiser helps you discover more about yourself and others, and improve your knowledge, skills, and results, in the areas of finance, business, health, family, relationships, and spirituality. Join Dr. Robert A. Rohm, author and world-renowned public speaker, as he shares stories involving his experiences and lessons learned in a good-spirited, positive, and fun way.