Becoming Wiser with Dr. Robert A. Rohm
Becoming Wiser
Finding Your Path: The Surprising Meaning of GOD

Finding Your Path: The Surprising Meaning of GOD

Ever wondered how to navigate life's complexities with confidence? In this episode, I share a simple yet profound secret that has shaped my life: the true meaning of 'God' as Good, Orderly Direction. It's more than a podcast; it's a guide to transforming your life. Tune in to learn how to harness the power of your words and actions for a life filled with purpose. Join me on this journey of self-discovery and fulfillment.

Show Notes:

  • Introduction to the concept of "God" as an acronym: Good, Orderly Direction.

  • Dr. Rohm's personal journey and belief in God, influenced by Zig Ziglar's philosophy.

  • Discussion on teaching evolution and creation in schools, emphasizing the importance of belief in one's purpose and value.

  • Dr. Rohm's conversation with reporter Elaine Allman, highlighting the philosophical aspect of creation over science.

  • The impact of teaching children they are unique creations with a purpose versus random evolutionary accidents.

  • Exploration of life's meaning through the acronym GOD - Good, Orderly Direction.

  • The negative consequences of lacking good, orderly direction in life.

  • Two key areas to focus on for good orderly direction: words (speech) and behavior (actions).

  • Personal anecdotes and lessons from Dr. Rohm's life experiences.

  • Conclusion with emphasis on self-control and self-direction for a successful, fulfilling life.

For more information about this episode, visit

Dr. Robert A. Rohm is a well-known speaker, author, and expert in the fields of communication, leadership, and personality assessment. He is the founder of Personality Insights, Inc., a company that provides resources and training programs to help individuals and organizations improve communication and build positive relationships. Dr. Rohm has authored several books, including "Positive Personality Profiles" and "Taking Flight!: Master the DISC Styles to Transform Your Career, Your Relationships, Your Life". He is also a sought-after speaker and has conducted training sessions and seminars for businesses, schools, and organizations across the world.

Becoming Wiser with Dr. Robert A. Rohm
Becoming Wiser
Becoming Wiser helps you discover more about yourself and others, and improve your knowledge, skills, and results, in the areas of finance, business, health, family, relationships, and spirituality. Join Dr. Robert A. Rohm, author and world-renowned public speaker, as he shares stories involving his experiences and lessons learned in a good-spirited, positive, and fun way.