Becoming Wiser with Dr. Robert A. Rohm
Becoming Wiser
Actions Over Words: The True Path to Making Things Right

Actions Over Words: The True Path to Making Things Right

Today's episode explores the essential process of cleaning up the messes we inadvertently create in our lives. Whether it’s a hasty word or a misjudged action, the path to resolution isn't through excuses but through genuine behavior change and making amends. Listeners will come away understanding that apologies are just the starting point and that true resolution requires time, effort, and a change in actions. This episode will not only help you learn how to effectively clean up life’s spills but also improve your relationships and personal integrity in the process.

Show Notes:

  • Introduction to the importance of addressing and rectifying mistakes.

  • Discussion on the concept of not being able to "cry over spilled milk" but being able to "clean it up before it spoils."

  • Real-life example from Dr. Rohm's experience as a school principal and the advice he received during a challenging time.

  • Exploration of the idea that actions speak louder than words, especially when attempting to rectify a situation.

  • Emphasis on the importance of changing behavior as a key to resolving issues and improving relationships.

  • Insights into personal growth through acknowledging mistakes and taking corrective actions.

  • Practical advice on how to genuinely apologize and the significance of sincere behavior change over time.

  • Closing thoughts on maintaining integrity and trust in personal and professional relationships.

Dr. Robert A. Rohm is a well-known speaker, author, and expert in the fields of communication, leadership, and personality assessment. He is the founder of Personality Insights, Inc., a company that provides resources and training programs to help individuals and organizations improve communication and build positive relationships. Dr. Rohm has authored several books, including "Positive Personality Profiles" and "Taking Flight!: Master the DISC Styles to Transform Your Career, Your Relationships, Your Life". He is also a sought-after speaker and has conducted training sessions and seminars for businesses, schools, and organizations across the world.

Becoming Wiser with Dr. Robert A. Rohm
Becoming Wiser
Becoming Wiser helps you discover more about yourself and others, and improve your knowledge, skills, and results, in the areas of finance, business, health, family, relationships, and spirituality. Join Dr. Robert A. Rohm, author and world-renowned public speaker, as he shares stories involving his experiences and lessons learned in a good-spirited, positive, and fun way.